“I like math and working on cars and other mechanical things. I plan on going to a technical high school next year, but I also want to go to college after that.” – Jaiden, KSF scholar and eighth grade student
"The scholarships will help provide a better future for my children. They most likely will become professionals because of what we have invested in them...My kids are getting a great education and they are becoming better people in their community.” – Walter Quintero, KSF scholar parent
“What I like most about Corpus Christi School are the teachers and how they teach us. I also like that everyone is like a big family.” – Zaniyah, KSF scholar and fourth grade student
“Every time I see my younger brother Jeremiah (a third grader), he is so joyful. He really enjoys participating in everything we do at school.” – Jaiden, KSF scholar and eighth grade student
You can see more success stories below.
"Nicholas has thrived immensely from being able to attend Christian Heritage School. He was also given honorable mention for his love for charity, chivalry and kindness towards all his classmates. This wouldn’t be possible without your help." -Unique, KSF Parent
“Because of the support of Kids’ Scholarship Fund, we are able to choose a school that aligns with our values and supports our child’s spiritual and intellectual growth. We are deeply grateful for KSF’s commitment to giving families like ours the opportunity to provide our children with the education they deserve, regardless of financial challenges. This scholarship award has not only eased the financial burden, but it has also given our child the chance to thrive in a community that nurtures her potential.” –Jennifer, parent at Sacred Heart School
“Thank you! An education is the most important thing to our family, and we could not have done it without our KSF Scholarships. My child now feels safe, comfortable and loves the challenging curriculum” -KSF Parent from Hartford
"Proud Mommy moment!! I wanted to let you know that my son has chosen to attend Harvard University. Class of 2026!! They gave my baby a full fee ride!! God is good, awesome, and ever present!! Harvard get ready, [my son] is coming your way!!"
-KSF Parent from St. Mark School
“Our KSF scholarships have helped all of my children a great deal. My oldest is now on her way to get her Masters.” -KSF Parent from East Hartford
“I will never forget my daughter’s first grade at St. Theresa when she couldn’t even finish a sentence in English. She will be graduating after eight amazing years achieving excellent results. I want to express my deep gratitude for your generous support. Thank you KSF. God Bless you all!” -KSF Parent from St. Theresa School
“Joshua has been an excellent student keeping his grades up making him a high honor student. He has participated with Student Council and the Social Justice program, providing ideas and help to the most unfortunate such as the children at Life Haven shelter. We love them and we love you guys for making this possible. God Bless!!” -KSF Parent from All Saints Catholic Academy
“It is incredible how much the girls love the school. They are so happy, they even have asked if they could stay longer in the aftercare program because they want to be in school longer.” -KSF Parent from East Shoreline Catholic Academy
“I just want to say that I admire the way the school and staff have really made this a great experience even though it was a little difficult to get used to. I am truly amazed at the way it has really brought everyone together in such a difficult time in our world. The kids are doing such a great job. As I see the participating and getting their education, I’M JUST IN COMPLETE HAPPINESS." -KSF Parent from Bridgeport Hope School
“Many grateful families, past and present, thank the KSF Foundation for assisting them in providing this opportunity to obtain and receive authentic Judaic core values and an unrivaled education.” -The KSF parents of Southern CT Hebrew Academy
“I thought KSF would like to know that I am now in the 9th grade and I will go to college and become a teacher. I am making my dream come true and have just learned Mandarin as my third language." -KSF Student from Christian Heritage School
“What do you like about your school? ‘That’s Tough’. I love everything. I love how my friends are so interactive and everyone has fun with each other.” -KSF Student from Christian Heritage School
“Milford Christian Academy has helped me be a better person with God and gave me a better education.” -KSF Student from Milford Christian Academy
“These scholarships make a tremendous difference to families within our school community, giving them the freedom to make the best possible choices for their children's education. We are deeply grateful.” –Kelli Hammond, principal, Sacred Heart School in Groton, Connecticut
“I pray that more generous and caring people will be inspired to support your foundation by substantial contributions so you can extend your loving efforts to many, many more children.” -Principal of St. James School
“We see children as unique individuals and life-long learners, while celebrating their cultural diversity and various talents.” -Principal of St. Lawrence School
“I am delighted to have so many new KSF students at Corpus Christi School this year. It is a joy to see their ‘smiling eyes’ as they arrive each morning. Each child has so much to offer and will have a positive impact on their classmates.” -Principal of Corpus Christi School
“Each year of a child’s education is a precious opportunity that is beyond the reach of many families who lack the financial means to look beyond failing and dangerous inner-city school systems. It’s a tragedy that compelled me to support KSF and is the reason I passionately work to increase the number of annual scholarships we award.”
-David Bohn – President, Preferred Utilities